VA Rating Calculations

Calculating Your VA Rating

Hey folks, Dale Davidson here. Have you ever wondered why VA rating math is so hard to understand? Today, we’re diving into how to calculate your VA benefits, including those confusing combined ratings.

Why VA Rating Math Matters

VA benefits, especially VA compensation, are crucial for the financial health and well-being of veterans injured or whose disabilities were aggravated by their service. This topic is essential, but many find VA math harder than calculus, algebra, or even differential equations. Let’s dive into it.

Understanding VA Rating Tables

The first step in calculating your VA rating is understanding the rating tables. These tables, found in the Code of Federal Regulations, rate your disability (or disabilities) on a scale from 0% to 100% in 10% increments. These ratings are only for service-connected disabilities, not non-service-connected ones. You’ll need medical evidence and service records to establish your disability. We’ve emphasized this in other videos, but it bears repeating: medical evidence and opinions are critical.

Combining Multiple Disabilities in a VA Rating

If you have more than one service-connected disability, the VA uses a combined rating system rather than simply adding them together. For instance, if you have lower back pain, you might have secondary conditions as well. Think of the song “Dem Bones” – everything is connected. If your lower back is hurting, it might affect your gait, leading to nerve damage, shoulder pain, or other issues. Always consider secondary conditions related to your primary disability.

Example of a Multiple Disability Rating

Here’s an example: If you have a 30% rating for one condition and a 20% rating for another, they don’t add up to 50%. The VA uses a specific formula.

Let’s break it down:

  • Start at 100%.
  • Subtract your first disability (30%). Now, you’re at 70%.
  • 70% of your body is still “efficient.” Multiply that by your next disability (20%). You get 14%.
  • Subtract 14% from 70%. Now, you’re at 56%.
  • Your next disability (10%) is applied to 56%. Multiply 56% by 10%. You get 5.6%.
  • Subtract 5.6% from 56%. Now, you’re at 50.4%, which is rounded down to 50%.

So, a 30% + 20% + 10% VA rating doesn’t equal 60%; it equals 50%.

Dependency and Additional Compensation

If you have a disability rating of at least 30%, you can receive additional compensation for dependents, such as a spouse, children, or parents. The number of dependents and their relationship to you influence the total amount of compensation.

Special Monthly Compensation

In some cases, you might qualify for special monthly compensation (SMC) for circumstances like being housebound or needing aid and attendance. This provides additional benefits for specific circumstances, such as the loss of a limb or blindness.

Calculating Your Combined Disability Rating

Once the VA determines your combined disability rating, they use a table to calculate your monthly compensation amount. For example, a single veteran with a 50% combined VA rating receives around $1,075 per month. If you have dependents, that amount increases.

Appealing Your Rating Decision

If you’re unhappy with your rating decision, you have the right to appeal. There are two main ways:

  1. Supplemental Review: Provide additional evidence to support a higher rating.
  2. Appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals: Submit new evidence or request a higher-level review.

Factors Influencing the Calculation

Several factors influence your combined disability rating:

  • Severity of the Disability: More severe disabilities receive higher ratings.
  • Multiple Disabilities: The VA combines these into an overall rating.
  • Dependents: Spouses and children can affect your rating.
  • Special Circumstances: You might qualify for SMC or other benefits.

Staying Informed

Being informed about the latest VA compensation and rating changes is crucial. Regularly check the VA official website ( or reach out to us for the latest updates.

Contact Us for Help!

If you need assistance with getting your VA rating for disability compensation increased, complete this form or give us a call at (229) 226-8183. If you’d like to see this blog in video format, you can watch it below. Please be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel and click the bell notification button so that you’re notified each time we publish a new video.