Special Needs Planning
We can assist with special needs planning for your loved ones when you can no longer take care of him or her, for whatever reason.
Do you have a special needs child or dependent with a physical or mental disability? While you may be able to provide for their current needs, what happens when you or their guardian passes? If the proper special needs planning details are not in place, they may fail to qualify for essential benefits such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid.
This is especially important if your special needs child or family member receives an inheritance upon your death. That inheritance may prohibit them from receiving the benefits for which they were once eligible. But there are options to prevent this from occurring. You don’t have to disinherit your special needs child or loved one, relying solely on your other children or relatives to provide for the care of your special needs person.
Here at the Davidson Law Offices, we will help you establish a Special Needs Trust. This type of trust will ensure that your special needs child maintains government eligibility for benefits, while also allowing them to benefit from inheritance and other assets to improve their quality of life. Special Needs Trusts fund additional needs of your special needs person throughout their life. These needs could include vacations, educational opportunities, religious services, entertainment, transportation, and more.
A Special Needs Trust must be specifically designed to supplement, not replace, Medicaid and other public benefits. An inheritance through an improperly drawn will runs the risk of disqualifying the uniquely special child or loved one. As a qualified special needs attorney, we can help you plan to assure that your child or loved continues to receive his or her benefits.
To learn more about our process for special needs planning, call us (229-226-8183) or visit our YouTube channel for more information on this topic.