Guardianship & Conservatorship
We’ll help make sure you have the right legal documents in place to avoid a guardianship and/or conservatorship.
Guardianship is a process by which the courts appoint a legal guardian to an individual in need of special protection. This individual, commonly referred to as a “ward,” could be a minor who is not old enough to make their own decisions, an elderly person who is incapacitated, or a disabled person that cannot make decisions for themselves. The court-appointed guardian has the right to make personal decisions for the person who is unable to do so.
There’s no guarantee that a court-appointed guardian will have your best interests in mind when making living arrangement, healthcare, and other personal decisions for you. However, having the proper legal documents in place will ensure that you are able to choose who makes these decisions for you — not the government. Davidson Law Offices will work with you to establish documentation so that these decisions will be made according to your best interests and wishes.
Regardless of age, every adult should have an Advanced Healthcare Directive. This legal document, also known as a Durable Power Attorney for Healthcare in some states, will determine who makes medical decisions for you. These decisions could include whether you desire to be resuscitated, whether you want to be put on a ventilator, or whether you want to given antibiotics throughout any medical treatments.
A Conservatorship is similar to a Guardianship, but focuses on the financial decisions needing to be made for a minor or incapacitated person. A conservator is responsible for paying bills, managing investments, and other financial decisions for someone who is unable to do so. Don’t let the government decide who handles your financial affairs. We’ll help you develop the proper Financial Power of Attorney documents so that you can determine who makes financial decisions for you and your estate.
For more information on estate planning decisions, visit our YouTube channel.